Our Work

The book that was 75 years in the making


For the website, RED was charged with interviewing employees from all over the world and writing up their tales, as well as editing and proofing other “homemade” entries. Our editorial team really enjoyed helping Vanderlande to produce the book to a tight timescale. We had to undertake several more interviews and write extra stories, as well as other edits and several rounds of proofing before the final version could be signed off and sent to the printer. We were delighted that “75 Years, 75 Stories” was published on schedule, and the recipients loved this coffee table memoir of our client’s important milestone.

A pdf version can downloaded here: https://75.vanderlande.com/commemorative-book/


Vanderlande celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2024 with a raft of special activities and memorable moments. The company also created several communication tools about its history and development. These included a website featuring anecdotes and interesting stories about working for Vanderlande, as told by past and present employees. The decision was also taken to use this content in a commemorative book, entitled: “75 Years, 75 Stories”.


This would never have been possible without your excellent contribution, both for the interviews as well as the editing part. Great teamwork!

Internal Communications Manager, Vanderlande

Scope of work

Creative copywriting



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